Precept Books

When you’re ready to go deeper and understand the whole counsel of God, you’re ready for Precept Upon Precept. Unfiltered and straight from the Bible, these studies help you discover the life-changing power of God for yourself through inductive study of His Word. Precept Upon Precept Bible study series is the most in-depth study offered and is the only series which requires training for the leader. Over seventy courses are available in this unique format which incorporates a minimum of five hours of individual study time per week. Designed primarily for small groups, students meet once a week to discuss the lesson, reason through Scriptures and learn how to apply biblical truths to daily life. Available in two translations: New American Standard (NAS) and the English Standard Version (ESV). Information on ordering companion lecture CDs and DVDs will be provided upon request. (Please note that the workbook costs are for locally printed copies)
1 Corinthians
1 Corinthians
Overcoming Divisions and Difficulties in the Body of Christ (12 lessons)
1 John, 2 John, 3 John
1 John, 2 John, 3 John
How to Know You Have Eternal Life (7 lessons)
1 Peter
1 Peter
How to Stand Firm When Tested (8 lessons)
1 Samuel
1 Samuel
God's Search for a Man After His Own Heart (8 lessons)
1 Thessalonians
1 Thessalonians
You - Blameless at His Coming (7 lessons)
1 Timothy
1 Timothy
The Church, the Pillar and Support of the Truth (7 lessons)
2 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
Ministers of Reconciliation (10 lessons)
2 Peter
2 Peter
How to Be Kept From Falling (8 lessons)
2 Samuel & 1 Chronicles
2 Samuel & 1 Chronicles
The Life of David - A Man After God's Own Heart (8 lessons)
2 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
So You Won't Be Deceived About His Coming (4 lessons)
2 Timothy
2 Timothy
A Study in Discipleship (6 lessons)
Acts Part 1 (Chapters 1-12)
Acts Part 1 (Chapters 1-12)
Jesus’ Witnesses, Empowered by His Spirit (8 lessons)
Acts Part 2 (Chapters 13-28)
Acts Part 2 (Chapters 13-28)
Paul, Jesus' Witness to the Gentiles (8 lessons)
Colossians and Philemon
Colossians and Philemon
Gaining a True Knowledge of Christ So No One Deludes You! (9 lessons)
Knowing God's Covenant (11 lessons)
Daniel Part 1  (Chapters 1 -6)
Daniel Part 1 (Chapters 1 -6)
Living Out a Biblical Worldview (8 lessons)
Daniel Part 2   (Chapters 7-12)
Daniel Part 2 (Chapters 7-12)
Gaining Understanding of the Time of the End (10 lessons)
Blessing or Cursing? Life or Death? You Choose (8 lessons)
Life Under the Sun (4 lessons)
The Church: Rooted in Love, Walking in Power (10 lessons)
A Man and a Woman for Such a Time as This (4 lessons)
Let My People Go (11 lessons)
Ezekiel Part 1 (Chapters 1-32)
Ezekiel Part 1 (Chapters 1-32)
Then You Will Know That I Am the LORD (10 Lessons)
Ezekiel Part 2 (Chapters 33-48)
Ezekiel Part 2 (Chapters 33-48)
When My Sanctuary is in Their Midst Forever (7 lessons)
Ezra & Haggai
Ezra & Haggai
Rebuilding the Temple (5 lessons)
Who Has Bewitched You? Why and How? (7 lessons)
Genesis Part 1 (Chapters 1-2)
Genesis Part 1 (Chapters 1-2)
The Creation (4 lessons)
Genesis Part 2 (Chapters 3-11)
Genesis Part 2 (Chapters 3-11)
The Fall, the Flood, and the Nations (7 lessons)
Genesis Part 3 (Chapters 12-25)
Genesis Part 3 (Chapters 12-25)
Becoming a Friend of the Faithful God - A Study on Abraham (6 lessons)
Genesis Part 4  (Chapters 24-36)
Genesis Part 4 (Chapters 24-36)
Wrestling with God - A Study on Isaac, Jacob, and Esau (4 lessons)
Genesis Part 5  (Chapters 37-50)
Genesis Part 5 (Chapters 37-50)
Keeping Your Focus When Your Dreams Are Shattered - A Study on Joseph (4 lessons)
Hebrews Part 1 (Chapters 1-4)
Hebrews Part 1 (Chapters 1-4)
Consider Jesus, Your Merciful High Priest (11 lessons)
Hebrews Part 2 (Chapters 5-10)
Hebrews Part 2 (Chapters 5-10)
Jesus, Our High Priest Forever (9 lessons)
Hebrews Part 3 (Chapters 11-13)
Hebrews Part 3 (Chapters 11-13)
Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of Our Faith (6 lessons)
Isaiah Part 1 (Chapters 1-39)
Isaiah Part 1 (Chapters 1-39)
The Word of the Holy One to Israel, the Remnant, and the Nations. . . and the Promise of the Child to Be Born (14 lessons)
Isaiah Part 2 (Chapters 40-66)
Isaiah Part 2 (Chapters 40-66)
Comfort My People (9 lessons)
A Faith That's Real (10 lessons)
Jeremiah Part 1 (Chapters 1-24)
Jeremiah Part 1 (Chapters 1-24)
You've Forsaken Me: Repent and Return (9 lessons)
Jeremiah Part 2 (Chapters 25-52)
Jeremiah Part 2 (Chapters 25-52)
When God's Judgment Finally Comes (8 lessons)
When the Pain is Great (8 lessons)
John Part 1 (Chapters 1-11)
John Part 1 (Chapters 1-11)
John Part 1-The Word Became Flesh (9 lessons)
John Part 2 (Chapters 12-21)
John Part 2 (Chapters 12-21)
John Part 2 - The True Vine...One With Him (7 lessons)
Conquering Your Enemies (7 lessons)
Contend for the Faith (5 lessons)
Driving Out Your Enemies (7 lessons)
Kings & Prophets  01 - A Divided Heart, A Divided Nation
Kings & Prophets 01 - A Divided Heart, A Divided Nation
A Study of 1 Kings 1-15:8; 2 Chronicles 1-13 (8 lessons)
Kings & Prophets 02 - God Searches for a Heart Fully His
Kings & Prophets 02 - God Searches for a Heart Fully His
A Study of 1 Kings 15-2 Kings 1; 2 Chronicles 14-20 (5 lessons)
Kings & Prophets 03 - Passing The Mantle
Kings & Prophets 03 - Passing The Mantle
A Study of 2 Kings 2-14;2 Chronicles 21-25 (5 lessons)
Kings & Prophets 04 - Spare Your People, Lord
Kings & Prophets 04 - Spare Your People, Lord
A study of Obadiah and Joel (4 lessons)
Kings & Prophets 05 - Where Are You Going?
Kings & Prophets 05 - Where Are You Going?
A Study of Jonah (2 lessons)
Kings & Prophets 06 - Prepared To Meet Your God
Kings & Prophets 06 - Prepared To Meet Your God
A Study of Amos (3 lessons)
Kings & Prophets 07 - Revival or Captivity?
Kings & Prophets 07 - Revival or Captivity?
A Study of 2 Kings 15-20; 2 Chronicles 26-32 (4 lessons)
Kings & Prophets 08 - A Love that Will Not Let Me Go
Kings & Prophets 08 - A Love that Will Not Let Me Go
A Study of Hosea (4 lessons)
Kings & Prophets 09 - Understanding the Anger of God
Kings & Prophets 09 - Understanding the Anger of God
A Study of Micah, Nahum and Habakkuk (6 lessons)
Kings & Prophets 10 - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Kings & Prophets 10 - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
A Study of 2 Kings 21-25; 2 Chronicles 33-36; Zephaniah (7 lessons)
Lamentations - Hope and Healing in the Aftermath of Rebellion Against God (3 lessons)
A Holy God - A Holy People (7 lessons)
Luke Part 1 (Chapters 1-16)
Luke Part 1 (Chapters 1-16)
Who Is This Man Who Forgives Sins? (11 lessons)
Luke Part 2 (Chapters 17-24)
Luke Part 2 (Chapters 17-24)
The Savior of Sinners (7 lessons)
Revering the Lord, Standing in Awe of His Name (3 lessons)
Mark - The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of Man
Marriage & Song of Solomon
Marriage & Song of Solomon
Learning to Become One (6 lessons)
Marriage Without Regrets
Marriage Without Regrets
Learning How to Become One (16 lessons)
Matthew Part 1  (Chapters 1-13)
Matthew Part 1 (Chapters 1-13)
The King and the Kingdom of Heaven (7 lessons)
Matthew Part 2 (Chapters 14-28)
Matthew Part 2 (Chapters 14-28)
The Christ, the Son of the Living God (8 lessons)
Nehemiah - Rebuilding, Revival and Restoration of the People of God (5 lessons)
Trusting God in the Wilderness (7 lessons)
How to Have Joy (9 lessons)
Revelation Part 1 (Chapters 1-3)
Revelation Part 1 (Chapters 1-3)
Jesus' Message to the Church (10 Lessons)
Revelation Part 2 (Chapters 4-22)
Revelation Part 2 (Chapters 4-22)
Unveiling the Book of Revelation (12 lessons)
Revelation Part 3  (Chapters 5-22)
Revelation Part 3 (Chapters 5-22)
What Is the Sign of His Coming and of the End of the Age? (11 lessons)
Revelation Part 4
Revelation Part 4
Interpreting Revelation in the Light of Biblical Prophecy (14 lessons)
Romans Part 1   (Chapters 1-5)
Romans Part 1 (Chapters 1-5)
Freed from Sin's Penalty (14 lessons)
Romans Part 2 (Chapters 6-8)
Romans Part 2 (Chapters 6-8)
Freed from Sin's Power (9 lessons)
Romans Part 3 (Chapters 9-11)
Romans Part 3 (Chapters 9-11)
The Sovereignty of God and the Free Will of Man (8 lessons)
Romans Part 4 (Chapters 12-16)
Romans Part 4 (Chapters 12-16)
Life as a Living Sacrifice (8 lessons)
Don't Despair. There's Hope. You Have a Kinsman Redeemer! (3 lessons)
Sermon On The Mount
Sermon On The Mount
How Can I Be Blessed? (10 lessons)
Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual Gifts
Discover Your Spiritual Gifts (12 lessons)
Developing Character and Integrity in the Midst of a Society Which Has Lost Respect for God (3 lessons)
"They Shall Be My People, and I Will Be Their God" (7 lessons)